Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Whole New Thing

Well, not to be outdone by my husband, I guess I should start back into the blogging game. I've been on a similar but different journey over the past six months. It would take too long and be too complicated for me to try to explain things all at once. To summarize, God has been reawakening the places in my heart that first fell in love with Him, and reminding me that life can be really good if I focus on His love first, and all the other stuff after that.
God has been healing me in some broken places, and breaking me in some hardened places. On top of all of that- I am pregnant with Baby number 2! So, you could seriously say that God is doing a new thing (or, perhaps, a whole cadre of new things) in me lately!!
It's scary, exciting, humbling, awesome and intense. I'm so thankful to be in this place.