Thursday, September 20, 2007


Lately, I've been consumed with a desire to explore the various ethnicities that comprise my genealogy. My most recent fascination has been Pennsylvania Dutch heritage. I took a book out of the library on Pennsylvania Dutch folk spirituality. I'm plodding through it, but more than the actual text of the book, I am enjoying the memories it has dredged up.
My first ever funnel cake was consumed on a crisp autumn day at a Pennsylvania Dutch festival somewhere in Schwenksville, PA.
Last night, Jason and I took Zoe to a Polish festival in Wilmington. It's so exciting to be recreating things for my daughter that my mother did with me. It's not contrived, either. It feels so natural to go and do things like that.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

When she was my age

While looking through these pictures a few days back, I found it so strange to be reminded of myself by my mom when she was my age. It was like finding a missing puzzle piece.